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5 HR trends in 2023

Written by Coralie P | Jul 23, 2024 9:13:30 AM

Priority 1: Leader and manager effectiveness

According to 60% of HR managers, this is their top priority for 2023. In fact, according to 24% of them, their approach to leadership development does not prepare leaders for the future of work and new employee expectations.

In today's fast-moving world, where change and adaptation are the order of the day, it is essential to develop effective human leadership and management skills to ensure long-term business success. The leader of today, and tomorrow, needs to be authentic, empathetic and flexible in order to best support his or her teams.

In 2023, HR must therefore invest in the development of training programs to help leaders and managers develop soft skills such as :

  • Communication.
  • Problem solving.
  • Adaptability.


Priority 2: Managing change within the organization

For 53% of HR respondents, managing change within the organization will be a top priority in 2023. This focus underlines the importance of designing an organization capable of adapting to rapid changes in the market and technology.

At the same time, 45% of HR managers surveyed believe that their employees are tired of constant change. Accompanying employees during change phases is therefore becoming a key issue. HR, managers and leaders will need to learn how to manage and present change tactfully and transparently, hence the importance of soft skills training for management and executive teams.


Priority 3: Employee experience

For 47% of HR leaders, investing in the employee experience is essential in 2023, both in terms of the work environment and career development.

Indeed, 44% of respondents believe that their organization lacks compelling career paths. This can have a negative impact on employee motivation and commitment. HR must therefore work closely with business leaders to create career development programs and recognition and reward strategies to enhance the employee experience.

In Switzerland, a thoughtful employee experience can make all the difference in attracting top talent in a saturated job market.


Priority 4: Recruitment

Recruitment is the top priority for 46% of HR leaders surveyed. At the same time, 36% feel that their recruitment strategies are not sufficient to find the skills they need.

With the Swiss job market becoming increasingly complex to attract the best talent, establishing modern recruitment strategies in line with employee expectations is a major challenge. Developing a strong employer brand, highlighting the employee experience, fringe benefits, opportunities for advancement within the company, CSR commitments, etc., will be at the heart of recruitment strategies.

HR must also adopt advanced technologies to help find and assess candidates more efficiently, but also create a modern, fluid experience for potential new recruits.


Priority 5: Future of work

For 42% of HR leaders, preparing for the future of work - that is, thinking about the skills and jobs of tomorrow - is essential this year.

To date, 43% of HR respondents say they have no explicit strategy for the future of work, which may leave them lagging behind their competitors. Plans for training and skills development, as well as new processes and flexible practices, will therefore need to be put in place to best adapt over the coming years.


In a nutshell

The HR priorities for 2023, as defined by the Gartner study, emphasize the importance of managing change within the company, both by training leaders and managers, and by preparing the future of work. They also highlight the challenges of recruiting and retaining talent.

HR people will need to work with their managers and teams to reflect on and invest in effective strategies to address these 5 priorities, and position their company for success in a constantly evolving market.


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Source: Gartner, 2023.