Stage - Formations & Co

Continuous learning: customize your programs according to your employees’ needs

Written by Coralie P | Jul 25, 2024 2:41:26 PM

Continuous learning is essential for companies to:

  • Attract and retain talent
  • Remain competitive in a constantly evolving market

It demonstrates your commitment to your employees’ development and ensures that their skills align with the needs of their roles.

Thus, it leads to:

  • Improved motivation
  • Stronger professional growth
  • Progression within the company
  • Maintaining daily efficiency and productivity

However, offering generic learning programs is not enough to reap these benefits. It is necessary to adapt programs to market evolutions and the specific needs of your company in order to:

  • Address skill gaps
  • Support growth and innovation.

We offer a ready-to-use self-assessment questionnaire to better identify your employees' training needs.


Self-assessment questionnaire

Use this questionnaire to:

  • Evaluate your employees' current skills
  • Identify areas where continuing education would be beneficial

The questions provided are tailored to different sectors and job types.


Soft skills


  • How would you assess your active listening skills?
  • How would you assess your ability to ask the right questions during an interview (with clients, during recruitment, with a team member, with a superior, etc.)?
  • How would you assess your ability to rephrase statements?
  • How would you assess your ability to phrase appropriate questions based on the nature of the interview?
  • How would you assess your mastery of para-verbal communication (control of your tone of voice, intonations, etc.)?
  • How would you assess your mastery of non-verbal communication (your posture, gestures, image, etc.)?
  • How comfortable are you with managing intercultural teams?
  • How would you assess your ability to communicate effectively with internal and external stakeholders?
  • How would you assess your ability to write clear and concise reports?
  • Would you be interested in a continuing education program in communication?


Project Management

  • How would you assess your project management skills?
  • How do you proceed to understand and document the needs of stakeholders in a project?
  • How do you establish a realistic and achievable project timeline?
  • What criteria do you use to set deadlines in your projects?
  • What tools or techniques do you use to manage priorities in a project environment?
  • What measures do you take to minimize the impact of unforeseen events on a project?
  • Would you be interested in a continuing education program in project management?



  • How do you ensure that your feedback is well understood and accepted by your team members?
  • What key elements do you address during an annual review?
  • What are your key principles for preventing conflicts within the team?
  • What actions do you take to re-motivate a demotivated employee?
  • How do you create a work environment that inspires creativity and engagement?
  • What approaches do you use to promote autonomy among your team members?
  • What tools or techniques do you use to ensure team alignment with project objectives?
  • Would you be interested in a continuing education program in management?


Digital skills

  • How would you assess your proficiency with Word?
  • How would you assess your proficiency with Excel?
  • How would you assess your proficiency with PowerPoint?
  • How would you assess your proficiency with video conferencing tools (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, etc.)?
  • How would you assess your proficiency with OneDrive?
  • How would you assess your proficiency with SharePoint?
  • Would you be interested in a continuing education program dedicated to digital tools?


Foreign Languages

  • What is your proficiency in English / German / Spanish / Italian?
  • What is your ability to create presentation materials in English / German / Spanish / Italian?
  • How would you assess your ability to assist and support international clients?
  • What is your ability to write professional correspondence in English / German / Spanish / Italian?
  • What is your ability to have a telephone or video conference conversation in English / German / Spanish / Italian?
  • What is your ability to give a presentation in English / German / Spanish / Italian?
  • How would you assess your ability to conduct meetings or negotiations in English / German / Spanish / Italian?
  • Would you be interested in a linguistic training program?


Conflict Management

  • How would you assess your problem-solving skills?
  • To what extent do you feel capable of managing conflict situations within your team?
  • What techniques do you use to identify sources of conflict before they become problematic?
  • How do you ensure open and honest communication to prevent conflicts?
  • How do you manage a conflict when you are directly involved as a stakeholder?
  • Would you be interested in a continuing education program in conflict management?


Emotional Intelligence

  • How would you assess your ability to understand and manage your emotions?
  • How would you assess your ability to understand and manage the emotions of others?
  • How would you assess your ability to perceive and respond to the emotional needs of your colleagues and clients?
  • Would you be interested in a continuing education program in emotional intelligence?


Remote Work

  • How would you assess your ability to work autonomously and effectively remotely?
  • To what extent are you comfortable with remote communication and collaboration with your colleagues?
  • How proficient are you with Microsoft Teams for remote collaboration?
  • How proficient are you with Slack for remote communication?
  • How proficient are you with SharePoint for document management and remote collaboration?
  • How proficient are you with OneDrive for remote file storage and sharing?
  • Would you be interested in a continuing education program to improve remote work?


Priority Management

  • How would you assess your skills in organization and time management?
  • How do you handle multiple tasks and tight deadlines in your daily work?
  • Would you be interested in a training program in priority management?


Stress Management

  • How do you manage stress at work?
  • What techniques do you use to remain calm and focused under pressure?
  • Would you be interested in a continuing education program in stress management?



  • How would you assess your ability to organize and prioritize your daily tasks?
  • To what extent are you capable of long-term planning and managing complex projects?
  • Would you be interested in a training program to improve your organization skills?



Job-specific Skills

Sector: Banking/Finance - Position: Manager

Project Management Skills:
  • Describe a complex financial project you have managed, and the results achieved.
  • What project management tools do you use to track and control financial projects?
  • How do you ensure you meet project deadlines and budgets?


Communication Skills:
  • How do you adapt your communication for different audiences (team, management, clients)?
  • Can you provide an example where your communication resolved a complex issue?
  • How do you handle communication during financial crises?


Financial Data Management Skills:
  • What systems and tools do you use to analyze and manage financial data?
  • How do you ensure the accuracy and reliability of the financial data you handle?
  • Can you share an experience where you identified a trend or anomaly through financial data analysis?


Compliance and Risk Management Skills:
  • How do you incorporate compliance requirements into your financial management practices?
  • Can you describe a situation where you identified and mitigated a major financial risk?
  • What processes do you have in place for proactive financial risk management?


Tourism - Position: Salesperson

Sales Skills:
  • Can you describe a successful sales strategy you implemented in the tourism sector?
  • How do you identify and target potential clients in the tourism industry?
  • What tools and techniques do you use to track and improve sales performance?


Contract Negotiation Skills:
  • Can you share an experience where you negotiated a significant contract with a client or supplier?
  • What are your main criteria for evaluating and accepting a contract?
  • How do you prepare for and conduct contract negotiations to achieve the best possible terms?


Customer Service Skills:
  • How do you manage the expectations and specific needs of international clients?
  • Can you provide an example where you resolved a complex issue for an international client?
  • What are your key principles for delivering exceptional customer service to clients from different cultures?


Customer Relationship Management Skills:
  • What tools do you use to track and manage customer interactions?
  • How do you ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty?
  • Can you describe a situation where you turned a difficult client relationship into a positive and lasting one?


Open Questions

What are your strengths?
  • What skills or experiences set you apart from other candidates for this position?
  • Can you provide an example of professional success that illustrates your strengths?


What skills would you like to improve?
  • Which professional areas would you like to deepen or develop further?


How do you plan to acquire or enhance these skills?

Training Preferences

  • In-person training: Yes / No
  • Remote training: Yes / No
  • Hybrid training: Yes / No
  • Intensive training: Yes / No
  • Duration of intensive training if applicable: One day, two days, more (how many)?
  • Training spread over several months: Yes / No
  • Duration of sessions if training spread over several months: 30 min, 60 min, 90 min


Response Options

For the questions asked, here are the response options you can include:

  • Excellent, very good, Average, Poor, Very poor
  • Very comfortable, Comfortable, somewhat comfortable, Not at all comfortable
  • Yes / No
  • Open answer


Distribution of the Self-Assessment

To maximize participation and effectiveness, we recommend using online forms, such as Microsoft Forms or Google Forms, which will allow you to retrieve results in:

  • Excel spreadsheets
  • Graphs

This will help quickly identify your most urgent training needs.

For example, if 90% of respondents indicate that the skill "active listening" is not mastered at all and they are managers, a communication training program will be crucial.



Adapting continuous learning programs to your company's needs is an ongoing and strategic process.

By using this self-assessment questionnaire, you can better understand your employees' current skills and identify areas where training is necessary. This will allow you to select the most suitable training programs, ensuring relevant and effective skill development.

A well-adapted training program is an investment in your company's sustainability and competitiveness. By following these guidelines, you will be better prepared to align your continuous learning programs with the evolving needs of your company, ensuring relevant and effective skill development.