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Linguistic and cultural support for a successful expatriation to Switzerland

Written by Coralie P | Jul 23, 2024 8:15:23 AM

International recruitment is an essential strategy for Swiss companies seeking skilled talent. However, the success of international recruitment is measured not only by the signing of a contract, but by the overall success of your new employee's expatriation to Switzerland.  

Poorly managed international recruitment can not only compromise the team's productivity, but also lead to significant costs associated with a new phase of talent sourcing, interviewing, selection and in-house training. 

In order to maximize the chances of success, it is essential for the company to accompany an expatriate employee in his or her installation. In this article, we explore the critical importance of providing linguistic and cultural support right from the employee's arrival in Switzerland.


Why offer language courses to your expatriate employees?  

Overcoming language barriers    

Switzerland is a multilingual country with four official languages. For a foreign employee, the language barrier can therefore quickly become a major obstacle in both daily and professional life.  

In-company language training offers a proactive solution to facilitate communication for new employees and reinforce their sense of belonging following expatriation. 

If your company is based in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, French language courses are the best choice. If you're based in the German-speaking part of Switzerland, it's a good idea to offer German courses. 


For effective corporate communication   

Des compétences linguistiques solides favorisent une communication claire et efficace entre les membres d’une équipe, ainsi qu’avec vos clients. Il sera donc pertinent de proposer des cours de langue adaptés aux besoins spécifiques de votre secteur d’activité. Ceci garantira que le collaborateur étranger maitrise le vocabulaire professionnel nécessaire pour exceller dans ses missions.  

Ces cours à visée professionnelle pourront venir dans un second temps, dès qu’il maitrise les bases de la langue dans sa vie quotidienne.


Preparing for the fide test   

In order to obtain a Swiss residence permit, your employee must prove his/her level of French, German or Italian. This can be done, for example, by taking the fide test, which will enable him/her to obtain a language passport and secure his/her expatriation to Switzerland. Offering the right language courses will :

  • Strengthen their understanding and command of the language.
  • Obtain a language passport and residence permit. 


Why combine cultural support with language training? 

To avoid culture shock   

There's much more to settling in successfully than mastering one of the four official languages. Switzerland has its own particular customs and traditions, which may come as a surprise to a newcomer. Swiss culture courses will help expatriate employees understand these subtleties in order to :

  • Avoid culture shock with their country of origin.  
  • Promote harmonious integration. 

This goes beyond mere professional aspects to encompass elements such as: 

  • Social norms.
  • Eating habits.
  • Health care.
  • The school system. 

All of which will have an impact on the success of your expatriation to Switzerland. 


To avoid feelings of isolation

 Feeling lost in a new country can be very destabilizing for an expatriate employee. Cultural support helps to alleviate this feeling of isolation by promoting more fluid social interactions. By understanding Swiss culture, your foreign employee can build stronger professional and personal relationships, reinforcing his or her commitment to the company. 


Think about your employee's family

The successful integration of your employee also depends on the successful expatriation of his or her family to Switzerland. Offering language courses, such as French or German, and cultural courses to your employee's spouse is just as crucial. 

This makes it easier for the family to adapt to daily life, reinforcing support for your employee's career and contributing to a smoother overall transition. 


Choose our Welcome to Switzerland program

A successful move to Switzerland requires both linguistic and cultural support. A well-integrated employee is an invaluable asset for any company seeking to thrive in a globalized environment. 

To meet these crucial needs, Formations&Co offers an exclusive “Welcome to Switzerland” service. This program combines : 

  • In-company language courses, with a choice of French or German.
  • Cultural immersion to ensure a smooth transition.  

To find out more about this fundamental service for a successful expatriation to Switzerland, visit our dedicated page.